The Wisdom of God

The wisdom of God is foolishness to men, but that ?foolishness? is God?s power for our salvation. God?s wisdom was revealed at the cross. Jesus died in apparent weakness and defeat, crushed by the overwhelming forces of religion, politics and military might. But this...

The Eyes of Your Heart

The greatest need a believer has is to receive the Spirit of revelation to know Christ better. This knowledge will give you the spiritual understanding of who Christ is and who you are in Him. The ?eyes of your heart? must be opened so that you can see the truth and...

Letter to Ken Livingstone- and his answer

Dear Mr Livingstone, On Friday 16th you spoke at Finsbury Park Mosque. In your short speech you said that you were stunned after reading Muhammad?s last sermon. I was also stunned after reading the words of your speech. I understand that it is expedient for a London...

The Father's Grace

Many believers hear more about the price of forgiveness and the cost of salvation than about the free-and-overflowing grace of the Father who, in his passionate desire for the homecoming of sinners, gave up his only Son.?We do not need to understand everything about...

Your New Identity

When you trusted in Christ you received a totally new identity. You were made completely new from the inside out. You are now in Christ and everything that you are is derived from Him. The wonderful fact of your salvation is that you are blessed with every spiritual...

Clothed with the Righteousness of Christ

One of the hardest things to understand as a Christian is that you are not accepted by God through the good works that you do. You receive God?s forgiveness as a free gift by faith. God declares righteous guilty sinners who believe Him. The righteousness by which you...

Forgiveness Comes First

The words of Jesus to the woman caught in the act of adultery are staggering: ?I do not condemn you.? Jesus, the ultimate judge of the universe refused to condemn this woman although she was clearly a sinner. But this was exactly what His mission was all about. Jesus...

Sons not Slaves

The story of the Lost Son is a parable of the Father?s unconditional love and acceptance of His sons and daughters. The wayward son found repentance in the father?s arms. He acknowledged his guilt by saying, ?I have sinned against heaven and in your sight.? But he...


Colin is always on the move, so keep up to date, interact with him and pray for him.