Clothed in the Righteousness of Christ
One of the hardest things to understand as a Christian is that you are not accepted by God through the good works that you do. You receive God?s forgiveness as a free gift by faith. God declares righteous guilty sinners who believe Him.
The righteousness by which you are saved is not your own, but it has been transferred to you from someone else. On the cross Jesus took your sin and exchanged it for His righteousness. This means you will never come into judgement or condemnation for your sins. The day of judgment for you took place 2,000 years ago when Jesus died. You are now clothed in the righteousness of Christ.
Key Thought
God does not count you righteous by what you do but on account of what Jesus did for you. You receive God?s gift of righteousness by faith, and by faith alone.
Lord, forgive me for trying to gain my acceptance by good works or by trying to measure up to some standard. I repent of my pride and arrogance and receive Your grace now, by simply by trusting in You.
Discipleship Steps
Human self effort cannot earn you God?s grace. Following Christ is not about trying to earn your salvation or to secure it in any way. Works-based righteousness brings you into religious bondage and hinders your relationship with God. But it takes time to let go of such ideas, as the flesh loves to boast of its capabilities. Learn to live by faith not works, by trusting God and not human self effort.
Read: Romans 4:1-8