God's Wisdom was revealed at the Cross
The wisdom of God is foolishness to men, but that ?foolishness? is God?s power for our salvation.
God?s wisdom was revealed at the cross. Jesus died in apparent weakness and defeat, crushed by the overwhelming forces of religion, politics and military might. But this death is in fact the means of bringing down every kingdom in the world and overthrowing every opposing force. God delights in taking the weak and insignificant things to overthrow the proud and the powerful. God has placed you in Christ and made you a part of His triumph no matter how weak or insignificant you may think you are.
Key Thought
God chooses the weak things, the base things and the things that are not in order to confound the wise and mighty in their own eyes. The kingdom of God reverses the standards of the world. This means that God has made the least ones in this world?s eyes to be great in His kingdom.
Thank you, Lord, that greatness does not depend upon being important in this world?s eyes. You have made the least the greatest and the most insignificant people are highly esteemed in your kingdom.
Discipleship Steps
God has chosen the things that are not to bring to nothing the things that are. Think of the implications of this for your life. There is no limit to what you can achieve once you yield your life fully to Him. Your God-given identity in Christ is the means by which you can impact your world. Find a way of making a difference today in someone?s life and bring them closer to God?s kingdom.
Read: 1 Corinthians 1:20-21