His Mercies are New Every Morning

New Every Morning Lamentations was written by the prophet Jeremiah after the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians. The judgment of God came upon the nation of Judah because they had, for generations, turned their back upon Him. It was the lowest point in the nation?s...

Thank God for His Unfailing Mercy

The dedication of Solomon?s Temple was one of the high points of Old Testament history. It took 7 years to build and was one of the wonders of the ancient world. King David did all that he could to help his son build the Temple, giving him the plans for the building,...

The Least Made Great

Without God we are nothing. We owe everything to Him. It is His love and His mercy that has brought us into relationship with Himself and continues to keep us close to Him. God has chosen us to be a special people for Himself and He treasures us above all else. That...

The Helping Hand of God

Read Psalm 102:1-17.?This Psalm shows how God will always come through for His children. As we are faithful to God in all things we know that He is working on our behalf. Our faithfulness will be rewarded. The time will come when God will show you His favour no matter...

He has Turned your Mourning into Dancing

Read Psalm 30.?This Psalm shows you that you can confidently put you hope in the Lord and in His unfailing love. Even when you have perhaps not always fully done what you know God wants, you can ask God to help you. The consequences of your sin may bring pain and...

Living under the Rain of God's Favour

Read Psalm 5. This Psalm contrasts the lifestyle of the wicked with the righteous. The righteous enjoy the blessing of God while the wicked will not. God?s favour is seen in answered prayer, joyful worship, strength of life and deliverance from your enemies. The...


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