Empowered in God’s presence

Empowered in God’s presence

GOD CHOOSES WHICH GIFTS TO GIVE TO EACH BELIEVER. WE JUST NEED TO CULTIVATE A DESIRE TO BE USED BY HIM, AND A READINESS AND WILLINGNESS TO BUILD UP OTHER PEOPLE. Some believers appear to suggest that spiritual performance is central to the Holy Spirit?s work today....
Living in authority

Living in authority

Last month at the 5.30pm service I taught two messages, one on Understanding the Spiritual Realm and the other on Walking in Victory over the Powers of Darkness. If you missed them they are available at kt.org. Now I want to encourage you to stir yourself up in the...
The presence of Jesus

The presence of Jesus

Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as [a]by the Spirit of the Lord. (2...
The Spirit is life!

The Spirit is life!

?You have been made alive by the Spirit?. These are some of the most hope-filled and inspiring words we find in the New Testament. Believers of all ages, backgrounds and cultures have one thing in common. The Holy Spirit lives in us. Following Jesus? resurrection and...
Jesus working through us

Jesus working through us

One of the themes which the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, constantly reminds us about is the importance of our relationship with other believers. When a person is born again by the Spirit, a new relationship starts not only with God but also with all other...
Anointed to serve

Anointed to serve

Jesus shows us what God is like. When we look at him, we can see the nature and character of God. Everything that Jesus says and does reveals something about God. But Jesus is also the Perfect Man. When we look at him, we can see what we are meant to be like. All his...
The new humanity

The new humanity

Many who hold to the theory of evolution wonder what?s in store for the human race. Are we going to evolve into a new superhuman, even divine-human species? As is often the case with questions only recently conceived, the Bible anticipated and answered this one...
Don't miss your opportunity!

Don't miss your opportunity!

Have you ever missed an opportunity which was really important to you? There?s nothing quite like that sinking feeling which comes in the pit of our stomachs when our hopes are dashed! You simply can?t describe the desolation which comes when your dreams lie in ruins...
The God who waits to be wanted

The God who waits to be wanted

At the core of our human nature is the capacity and desire for relationship. As social beings, we long for connection with others and our whole life is about these connections: family, friends and that significant other person with whom we wish to share our life. Have...
Where is love?

Where is love?

February 14th is St. Valentine?s Day, named after the patron saint of romantic love. On that day people?s search for their perfect partner finds special expression through gift cards, flowers and cosy candlelit dinners. But love includes much more than finding that...


Colin is always on the move, so keep up to date, interact with him and pray for him.