Fruit That Brings Joy

?Jesus reveals to us the ingredients of joy. It all has to do with abiding in Him and His love. It means we have confidence in His ability and enabling. It rests on the fact of Christ?s death for us and His friendship towards us. He gives us the confidence that our...

6 steps to Freedom from Sexual Sin

Today I want to give you six keys that will help you to break free from the bondage of sexual sin.   1. Make a decision   How do you get set free from sexual sin? First of all, as with any form of bondage, you need to make a decision that you want to be...

Wells of Joy

Joy is the greatest evidence you have that you are living in the victory of Christ. It demonstrates that you are looking at the larger picture and not just the details of your life. God is the God of salvation and this is like a well of joy within you. Sometimes the...

The True Reward

Moses? destiny was bound up with the people of God. He was hidden as a baby and then discovered and brought up in Pharaoh?s household by his daughter. But, when Moses discovered his true identity as a Hebrew, he identified with the needs of his people. God used him to...

The Family of God

Read Psalm 68:1-7.?This Psalm begins with a declaration of God?s victory over His enemies and it ends with a word about the solitary being placed in families. This is no accident. The only way you can enjoy the full victory and the life of freedom God has for you is...

You are Named by the Father

Being a child of God means you are part of His family. This family derives its name and identity from Abba God, the Father, and includes all God?s people of all generations, both in heaven and on the earth. God?s purpose is to involve you fully in this family....

The Woman at the Well

John chapter 4 tells the story of a divine appointment a Samaritan woman had one day when she went to draw water from a well. She met Jesus and through a conversation He clearly pinpointed her needs and set about the task of saving her. It is a remarkable story. It...


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