Many preachers today focus almost exclusively on behaviour change. They are always telling us what we have to do to be blessed, to overcome our failures and to achieve the favour of God. we have to pray more, repent more, give more, do more, and so on. while behaviour...
My New Year’s Eve Message. 31 dec 2011. Knowing what God wants us to do today in the light of his overall plan for our lives is the key. This is our “now time”. Seize it in earnest — it will not come by again. Make the most of every opportunity...
This is a prophetic message about preparing for and receiving your breakthrough. The breakthrough moment in your life can often seem ‘unexpected’ but it is always preceded by a time of preparation that can often span years, as David’s life...
Emotions are vitally important to us as human beings. They are a God-given part of our personality, providing a richness, colour and depth to our life experience that can be a source of great pleasure. But of course, things can go wrong with our emotions....
We read in John 1:14, that the ?Word became flesh.? The Word is none other than the Divine Word, the Logos of God, and he ?became flesh.? That is, the frail, vulnerable flesh common to all humanity. He became so completely human that, despite being God, he was in all...
The Christmas season is upon us once again! Out with the decorations, in with the cards, the?gifts, and the decisions as to where and how we will celebrate this year. As we all know, the ‘packaging’ of this Christian festival sometimes obscures the reality...
We see in Chapter 1:5, Ezekiel standing on the bank of the river Chebar. He sees in the sky, a vision of the throne of God coming in the distance. Around His throne are living creatures which guard and watch everything in the way. These are amazing creatures. They...
Spiritual warfare involves the whole of our Christian lives. It includes living a holy life, preaching the gospel and praying. Some leaders reject the view that spiritual warfare brings us into conflict with demonic powers. They say that addressing spirits directly is...
Fatherhood lies at the heart of the Christian faith. Jesus fully and uniquely revealed the nature of God as Father: No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him. John 1:18 This is so familiar to...
Few years ago I had returned from a prolonged time of seeking Jesus. The revelation that He gave me was startling and focused on unmasking Satan. In our lives as Christians it is vital that we learn to overcome. I want to help you to discover how the enemy operates...