In order to begin to unravel and identify the distinctions between what we feel, how we think, and how we express ourselves to others we really have to learn a new emotional vocabulary. So many of the phrases that we readily use are extremely unhelpful in...
God is the God of abundant provision. He takes care of the birds of the air and clothes the flowers of the field. How much more will God provide for the needs of His children? Jesus challenges our motivation for living when He says that the men and women of the world...
This testing of Abraham shows the maturity of his faith and character. He trusted God to work out His promise even in a time of extreme testing. This story also is a picture of how God?s provision comes through a lamb given as a substitute sacrifice and it encourages...
The ultimate hope for the Christian believer is the resurrection from the dead. This resurrection will bring about the new life of the kingdom of God ? life in all its fullness. All the suffering, pain and hurt of the old creation will be left behind and we will enjoy...
The basis of all our hope is Christ and what He has achieved for us on the cross. This hope is a living hope because Jesus is risen from the dead. We have been declared righteous by faith and we have peace with God. We now have free access into all the provisions of...
Inevitably thought and emotions lead to actions, which is why it is so important to catch thoughts early and keep our hearts pure. I don?t wish to dwell on the negative here, but many people have written to me asking questions about what sexual sin is, how it is...
One charismatic gift that is not often talked about and still less sought after today, is the gift of singleness. Yet it is a precious gift from God which is given to some, for whom singleness and celibacy is a life calling. When we talk about the charismatic gifts,...
The word ?hope? in the Bible is never ?hope so? or ?maybe?. It always means something certain, something we look for in the future and something that will surely come. As Christians we always have hope (a confident expectation) that God will come through for us. Psalm...
With all the emotional ups and downs of life and the pressure we face in modern society, how then does one keep pure and walk in emotional and sexual freedom? There are a number of common sense things you can do that will help: Firstly, you can help yourself by not...
The Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of salvation and joy. Jesus came to set the captives free and bring healing to the broken-hearted. This is like being set free from the captivity of negativity, oppression and depression. Without this, we would have perished under...