The basis of all our hope is Christ and what He has achieved for us on the cross. This hope is a living hope because Jesus is risen from the dead. We have been declared righteous by faith and we have peace with God. We now have free access into all the provisions of God?s grace and power.

We can rejoice in every condition and circumstance of life because we have a hope that can never fail.
We can rejoice in every condition and circumstance of life because we have a hope that can never fail. Negative experiences only serve to develop our character and our ability to hope. And, in the meantime, we have the Holy Spirit?s blessing and the experience of God?s love poured out into our hearts.
Read: Romans 5:1-5
Hope is founded on our justification by faith through the finished work of Jesus on the cross. You have confidence to face every circumstance as you look forward to God?s promise for the future. This lifestyle comes from a real relationship with God?s Spirit and not mere concepts or ideas.
Lord, I thank you that you have taken care of my past, my present and my future. I put my confidence in your promise of all that is to come and refuse every temptation to doubt or be afraid.
Discipleship Steps
God?s promises are perfect and unchangeable. But they can only operate as you let God work out His purposes in you. Because God has taken care of the past you can have confidence in the future. And your present experience of Christ will enrich you day by day and give you courage to make the right decisions. There is no short cut to character development but God is developing you as you walk in patience and perseverance.
Rejoice in the Lord always!