Without God we are nothing. We owe everything to Him. It is His love and His mercy that has brought us into relationship with Himself and continues to keep us close to Him. God has chosen us to be a special people for Himself and He treasures us above all else. That...
Read Psalm 5. This Psalm contrasts the lifestyle of the wicked with the righteous. The righteous enjoy the blessing of God while the wicked will not. God?s favour is seen in answered prayer, joyful worship, strength of life and deliverance from your enemies. The...
Righteous is the qualification for God’s favour, who are the righteous? All have fallen short to glory God, but it is only through His faithfulness that we are righteous. Learn how to understand God’s favour on His righteous people and to walk in His grace...
Some will teach grace to a limited extent. They agree that we are saved by grace, but they quickly re-introduce the law to ?balance? grace with discipline. But you cannot successfully mix grace with anything ? it must be all grace or it is simply not grace at all....