Facing the Storms of Life

We rejoice in the good things God provides, but we do not measure his love or our response to it by the earthly pleasures he allows or withholds from us. I have recently been prompted by the Holy Spirit to speak out about the “perfect storm” that is about...

Power from on High

It’s time for the power – the real power of Pentecost. For too long God’s people have gone naked into the battle without the clothing of divine protection and power. But a baptism of power is waiting for every believer. God has made available the...

Wynne Lewis- Taking the Limits Off God

Be prepared to be challenged when you agree to work with God. One of the greatest faith-motivators I ever met was my mentor Wynne Lewis. We worked together in Kensington Temple as I assisted him when he was the Senior Pastor. When I succeeded him in 1991, he told me...

The God who watches over his Word

“I am watching over my Word to perform it” (Jeremiah 1:12).?When God speaks a word over your life, he watches over it until the time of its fulfilment. In this prophetic season many are nurturing promises given to them by God years ago. It is time to bring...


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