Wynne Lewis
Be prepared to be challenged when you agree to work with God. One of the greatest faith-motivators I ever met was my mentor Wynne Lewis. We worked together in Kensington Temple as I assisted him when he was the Senior Pastor.
When I succeeded him in 1991, he told me to expect great things from God. He believed that the church would grow from strength to st…rength under my leadership. He challenged me to press into God?s greatness for my life. He passed away in 2009 and, on the day he went to be with the Lord, we shared some precious moments together.
Despite the limitations of his own body now reaching the end of its earthly usefulness, Wynne spent most of the time talking about the great things God was going to do in the future. His final sermon was to a small group of pastors in France and he focussed on the theme ?Taking the limits Off God?. Using as his text, Psalm 78:41 which reads, ?…they limited the Holy One of Israel?, Wynne told us to dream big, think big and act big! This is not arrogance, but dependence on God as you partner with him.
God wants you also to dream big dreams. God is able to do exceedingly above and beyond all we can think or imagine. Without this kind of faith it is impossible to please God. Audacious faith delights him. Nothing is impossible – if only we believe God. Real faith is rooted in revelation. It is not about telling God what we want, but hearing what he wants and then going out and doing it. God wants to challenge our human smallness with his divine greatness and this should be reflected in our goals.