Knowing God at a level of depth is absolutely essential to healthy Christian living today. Pressures are mounting, storms are brewing and Christians are wavering. Far from being the robust witness to the kingdom of God we are called to be, many believers are more...
To go deeper with God you will need to forsake the sin in your life that so easily entangles you. Jesus says to you:” I do not condemn you, therefore go and sin no more.”
We see in Chapter 1:5, Ezekiel standing on the bank of the river Chebar. He sees in the sky, a vision of the throne of God coming in the distance. Around His throne are living creatures which guard and watch everything in the way. These are amazing creatures. They...
Righteous is the qualification for God’s favour, who are the righteous? All have fallen short to glory God, but it is only through His faithfulness that we are righteous. Learn how to understand God’s favour on His righteous people and to walk in His grace...