Celebrating 25 years in the senior ministry of KT, Colin Dye describes the new vision for the new century. In these articles I have been sharing many of the major milestones we have passed as a church over the last 25 years. We have seen how God has been with...
We are relational beings made in the image of God who is also relational by very nature. He is more than a Unity. He is also a Trinity of persons in which Father, Son and Holy Spirit share in eternal community of love, joy and fellowship. And we are invited to share...
For most people, all they ever see are the external walls of the church. The average person in London may pass by a dozen churches each day but few will enter to find out more about God. Could it be that our church walls are one of the greatest hindrances to the...
God?s heart is for mission. He is ever-loving, ever-giving and ever-sending. From before the creation of the world God always existed as the One, Eternal and Uncreated Being. But he was not living in solitary, isolated and detached Oneness. The Father reached out to...
God has showered us with benefits and blessings. Jesus paid for them all on the cross and we received them by faith, the very moment we believed in Jesus as Saviour and Lord. Gospel blessings come from pure grace and we receive them by simple faith, without ever...
One could not imagine a more life-affirming person than Jesus. He lived selflessly for others and constantly reached out to them, just as the Gospels tell it: all whom he touched where made completely whole. Christians proclaim a positive message and this adds value...