As London just elected its Mayor and the nation has voted for the National Local Council elections, I ask the following question: “What happens when politicians cross the line?” Indeed, elected to carry out civil responsibilities, they have no right either...
God?s love for us began well before the creation of the world. He planned and purposed for us to live a life of love with Him beyond our wildest imagination. This means God is taking care of every detail of our lives and even in difficult experiences He is leading us...
God?s love is the beginning and end of all things. God is love, and to walk with Him means to walk in love. This love is practical and powerful and not something merely sentimental. It is measured by the cross where God showed us the true nature of love in the...
Adopted into His Family What an amazing realisation! God, the Father of the universe, has bestowed sonship on us. We are His children by adoption. The Holy Spirit bears witness to our status as children of God. And the world recognises it too. They instinctively know...
It is time to dedicate our lives afresh to the Lord and experience personal revival. It is my conviction that personal revival preceeds corporate revival. More than twenty years ago, God showed me that revival is coming to Britain. It is not going to be automatic...
Some time ago a young Moslem confronted me after attending one of our morning services in Kensington Temple. He took exception to the fact that I had prayed for Somalian refugees during the crisis current at that time. He insisted that this was evidence that Moslems...
My dream of a fully mobilised church is becoming a reality. More and more people are working to win the lost, build them up into discipleship and release them as active members of the body of Christ. Every believer a leader Our goal is for every member of the church...
Britain is known as a nation that welcomes foreigners. Not only do we have some of the most liberal laws in Europe for immigrants and asylum seekers, our colonial past means that many nations now have a right to the benefits of British Commonwealth hospitality. The...
You have the potential to have the mind of Christ. As you increasingly submit to the revelation and the understanding of the Holy Spirit, you will share the thoughts, intentions and attitudes of Jesus Christ. In Ephesians 1:16-17 Paul prays, “I do not cease to...
Very few people enjoy controversy. We would rather live in harmony with those around us. Christian tradition has taught us to respect the views of others and their right to hold such views. Love is tolerant and kind. Bigotry, on the other hand, along with blind...