Climbing the Ladder of Success, the Sky is the Limit!
My dream of a fully mobilised church is becoming a reality. More and more people are working to win the lost, build them up into discipleship and release them as active members of the body of Christ.
Every believer a leader
Our goal is for every member of the church to be trained, equipped and mobilised for leadership. But the every-member-a-leader philosophy is being questioned by some. Surely it is unrealistic to expect everyone to become a fully-fledged leader. Is this even a biblical concept? What about the leadership gifts of Ephesians 4:11? Don’t these show that leadership is a function for some, not all?
And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers… Ephesians 4:11
Clearly, only some are called to these levels of leadership. But when you look at the following verse the purpose of these leadership functions becomes clear. It is to equip God’s people for the ministry of Christ.
…for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ… Ephesians 4:12
This means the members of the body of Christ are called and chosen to do the work of Jesus today. In the same way our bodies are designed to work for us Christ’s body is meant for His activity in the world.
A fully-functioning body
Every believer is a member of the body of Christ and is therefore expected by Him to function fully and work properly. After all, we all want our own body to work properly. No one desires a disabled body for themselves – why should we expect anything less of Christ’s body?
Practically speaking, this means that every believer is called to lead others to Christ, to lead them deeper into the faith and to lead them on to serve the Lord. This is the work of Christ and it is an essential part of discipleship.
A model to follow
As, disciples of Jesus Christ, we must expect to be taught, trained and released into the work of Jesus Christ in our generation. I thank God for the cell vision and its strategy to make this happen. I have preached the principles of church mobilisation all my ministerial life and yet up to now I have seen it implemented only in a tiny measure. The cell vision, however, ?changes all that.
The cell vision gives us a successful, working model which takes the whole church through a step-by-step process of winning new believers, consolidating them in the faith, discipling them into leadership and sending them out to repeat the process. This four-stage process is called, The Ladder of Success.
My goal is to see every one of you active in this process. Only then will we see the results we are capable of and make the impact in our city and nation that God wants us to make.