Hate crimes directed towards Muslims taking place across Britain have been running at more than 10 times the usual rate since this week?s killing of a soldier in broad daylight in Woolwich, south east London. Muslim leaders in Britain are accusing groups like the...
A number of Boston Marathon bombing suspects have emerged following Monday’s deadly attacks that has left 3 dead and 141 injured. According to some reports authorities have a number of people of interest they are investigating; one “person of...
Terrorist organization Boko Haram, which has been waging war on Christians and attacking churches in Nigeria for months, has come out with a statement making it clear that its goal is to eliminate followers of Christ from the region and establish an Islamic state....
The Nigerian Islamist sect Boko Haram has killed at least 935 people since it launched an uprising in 2009, including more than 250 in the first weeks of this year, Human Rights Watch said on Tuesday.?Boko Haram, which means “Western education is sinful”...
Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight? (John 18:36) With the horrifying events last month in Norway pressure is on Evangelical Christians across Europe. A self-proclaimed ?Christian? was...