One subject on which many people have questions is masturbation. It is a difficult area and I don?t want to bring anybody reading this post under condemnation, but there are some principles to consider which should guide us as to whether masturbation is permissible or...
A controversial auction to sell off a Brazilian woman’s virginity has come to an end Wednesday with six bidders confirmed as competing. The auction ended with a Japanese man winning with a final bid of $780,000. This is tragic. Many young people these...
A 20-year-old woman from Southern Brazil has sparked a wave of criticism by auctioning off her “first sexual experience” to the highest bidder as part of a documentary. The stunt has generated outrage in Brazil, however, bids have already reached $1...
The act of sex fulfils a basic, physical need of all human beings. The sexual drive is given to us by God so that we will desire it to be satisfied ? and the way to that satisfaction is through the mutual enjoyment of intimate sexual relations within marriage. Sexual...
Inevitably thought and emotions lead to actions, which is why it is so important to catch thoughts early and keep our hearts pure. I don?t wish to dwell on the negative here, but many people have written to me asking questions about what sexual sin is, how it is...