Spontaneous prayer for Ukraine, the heart-cry of every compassionate soul, has turned into global organised intercession and practical action. Since February 24, the day President Putin invaded Ukraine, spontaneous prayer erupted across the world. The heart-cry of...
JESUS AND POLITICS Religion and Politics. One of the most controversial topics to talk about. Do religion and politics mix? Should the one be more prominent than the other? Or is there a proper place for both? How can you responsibly apply religion to the whole of...
Religion worldwide is growing. 84% of the world is religious. Even in secular societies various forms of religion are thriving. But isn’t this harmful? Isn’t religion basically a toxic force for evil? Surprisingly you might get that idea from Jesus himself who...
Dear Mr Livingstone, On Friday 16th you spoke at Finsbury Park Mosque. In your short speech you said that you were stunned after reading Muhammad?s last sermon. I was also stunned after reading the words of your speech. I understand that it is expedient for a London...
As London just elected its Mayor and the nation has voted for the National Local Council elections, I ask the following question: “What happens when politicians cross the line?” Indeed, elected to carry out civil responsibilities, they have no right either...