We rejoice in the good things God provides, but we do not measure his love or respond to it according to the earthly pleasures he gives or withholds from us. I have recently been prompted by the Holy Spirit to speak out about the “perfect storm” that is...
Just as the secret of a stable building lies in the foundations, so you need secure foundations in your Christian life. Jesus said that the person who put his teaching into practice was like a wise man who built his house on a rock (Matthew 7:24-25). These firm...
Some people doubt that God is a healer. They ask, “If He’s all-good and all-powerful, why hasn’t he dealt with all the sickness in the world?” They argue that the presence of disease proves that God must be either bad or weak. When people...
One thing you need to know is this that you will win nothing in the earthly visible realm unless you have first won it in the Heavenly spiritual realm.? Just as when Moses had his hands raised up by Aaron and Hur, and Joshua was fighting in the valley.? The battle was...
When the Spirit prompts us to speak and act, we must remember that we are simply passing on God?s words and doing his deeds. We are called to speak with his authority, but we do not heal the sick or cast out demons. We minister in partnership with the Spirit: God is...