At one time, the arch deceiver, Satan held sway over the minds and hearts of the nations. They were blinded from seeing the truth of God and his promise of salvation. But Jesus came to set the captives free. This means that through his death on the cross he will draw...
The devil is at war with God for the souls of men and women and the whole human race. But God has destroyed his plans once and for all. He sent his Son into the world to be born as human being, meeting the devil on our territory ? human nature. This means Jesus was...
New sounds of worship are breaking out in Kensington Temple. Music that expresses our praise to God in a contemporary style is bringing freshness to our services and inspiring a new generation to connect with God. Tired of the worn-down sameness that characterizes...
Spiritual warfare involves the whole of our Christian lives. It includes living a holy life, preaching the gospel and praying. Some leaders reject the view that spiritual warfare brings us into conflict with demonic powers. They say that addressing spirits directly is...
David?Cameron?has made?further mention of Gaddafi’s?death last night as he spoke to prominent members of the Sikh and Hindu communities at a reception for Diwali inside 10 Downing Street. He said: “Obviously Diwali being the festival of a triumph of good...