Blessing for the Righteous

The person of wisdom and understanding walks in the way of the Lord and lives under the blessing of God.     The direction of your life is set by your speech and it brings you into the place of expectation that God will grant you your desires for protection,...

The Curse is Lifted!

Jesus Christ carried our curse on the cross so that we could enjoy the blessing of God. One Bible teacher explained what he called the divine exchange: ?The evil that was due to us came upon Him so that the good due to Him could come upon us.? This means that we have...

Pursuing the Blessing

Abram is the great ?proto-type? for every believer. Therefore, God?s promise to him is equally His promise to us: ?I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing.? This blessing is not to become an end in itself. God wants to bless you so that...

Wells of Joy

Joy is the greatest evidence you have that you are living in the victory of Christ. It demonstrates that you are looking at the larger picture and not just the details of your life. God is the God of salvation and this is like a well of joy within you. Sometimes the...

Parental Blessing

Our God is a God of absolute authority. He rules supreme. He’s the Creator, the Most High, the only Lord in heaven and on earth: there’s simply no other besides Him. Because God has made humankind in His image, aspects of His authority run through...


Colin is always on the move, so keep up to date, interact with him and pray for him.