Jesus Christ carried our curse on the cross so that we could enjoy the blessing of God.

Jesus was made a curse for you so that you might receive the blessing of the Spirit freely into your life.
One Bible teacher explained what he called the divine exchange: ?The evil that was due to us came upon Him so that the good due to Him could come upon us.? This means that we have been set free from every curse and receive the blessing of God. But in order to enjoy the blessing of God we need to line up our mindset with God?s goodness, believe Him for His promises and walk in obedience, which is the path of blessing. This is only possible as we surrender to the Holy Spirit who is the blessing and promise of God.
Key Thought
Jesus was made a curse for you so that you might receive the blessing of the Spirit freely into your life. The curse of the law is gone forever and you can live in all the promises of abundant blessing as you follow the Lord.
Thank you, Lord Jesus that you carried every curse of mine on the cross and you have opened up the way for the blessing of God to come into every area of my life.
Discipleship Steps
God has called you to walk in the path of blessing. The curses of disobedience have been removed and in place of them you have received the blessings of obedience ? the obedience of Jesus Christ Himself. Now you must turn away from every action, thought or attitude that clings to the past way of life under the curse. To live in the freedom of God?s blessing takes a life of persistently yielding to the Spirit. Be conscious of this as you go about your daily affaires.