Emmanuel – God With Us

The whole Bible is God’s love revelation of himself to a world in pain. Jesus came to complete the message. As the Word of God made flesh, Jesus is the full and final declaration of God. This time he did not send a prophet, he came himself. Jesus is Emmanuel,...

Jesus was anointed for the cross

A woman poured on Jesus’s head this very expensive perfume. A few hours later, he was to be taken to Calvary and to be crucified. This woman anointed Him for His burial, but as He was rejected, as He was broken, as He was scourged and crucified, the sweet...

Your time will come!

Lamentations 3:24 – “The LORD is my portion,? says my soul, therefore I hope in Him!? My friends, the Lord is YOUR portion, so hope in the Lord, and your time will come!

God's Favour on the Righteous

Righteous is the qualification for God’s favour, who are the righteous? All have fallen short to glory God, but it is only through His faithfulness that we are righteous. Learn how to understand God’s favour on His righteous people and to walk in His grace...


Colin is always on the move, so keep up to date, interact with him and pray for him.