Celebrating the Crucified and Risen Christ

The Christian faith is entirely centered on the Person of Jesus Christ. It seems obvious when we say it like that ? but it is good to remind ourselves sometimes of the obvious. Often we can be easily distracted from central issues as daily responsibilities crowd out...

The Prophets? Anointing

When I read the Scriptures, it is plain to me that they reveal our God as being deeply involved with the healing and wholeness of all His children. The Old Testament presents Yahweh Rapha, the living God of Israel, as a God who is concerned about the basic hygiene and...

The Word of God is In Control

God created the heavens and the earth by the Word of His power. He spoke life and light into being through His creative Word. He said ?Let there be?, and it happened as He spoke. Today, by exactly the same power, God keeps on sustaining all things, and accomplishing...

Praying in Revival

Prayer reveals the spiritual attitude of the person praying. You never really know someone until you have heard them pray. I don’t mean the mechanical prayers of religious observance, but true prayer, prayer which comes from the heart of the person. Prayer also...

The gift of Prophecy

The New Testament introduces the gift of prophecy to the Church. This is a special gift of the Holy Spirit, and is just one aspect of prophecy. It is not the sum total of prophecy, but it is a significant part.? As we will see, it is right to emphasise this gift...


Colin is always on the move, so keep up to date, interact with him and pray for him.