There is an almost globally rising interest in spirituality. In the majority western nations there is also an explosion of what is called “alternative” spiritualities. Is this a reaction against institutional Christianity? Maybe so, but this does not guarantee...


Religion worldwide is growing. 84% of the world is religious. Even in secular societies various forms of religion are thriving. But isn’t this harmful? Isn’t religion basically a toxic force for evil? Surprisingly you might get that idea from Jesus himself who...
THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: What it is and what is NOT

THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT: What it is and what is NOT

The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:1– 7:29) is probably the best known part of Jesus’ teaching. But it is also the least understood. Many people consider the Sermon to be a high level moral code for individuals and for society. Others think of it as a code of...
Spiritual Self-Care

Spiritual Self-Care

“My own garden, I have not kept” The bride in the Song of Solomon felt bad she had not taken enough care of herself, and the wedding day was just around the corner! All too-often we can be so busy with daily life demands that we neglect really important things....
Looking to the Future

Looking to the Future

Hope is essential to us as humans. The human spirit has an amazing capacity to stay positive and forward-looking even when things look totally hopeless.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀We all need to draw on this human ability and do what we can to prepare for a joyful and...
Global Covid deaths

Global Covid deaths

February 2021 – 2.23 million Covid deaths reported worldwide. The number may even be higher. Every one was someone’s husband, wife, mother, father, son, daughter, friend, loved-one. Not in our lifetime have we seen anything like this. We are all affected in some...
In it together

In it together

Covid19 affects people of all ages, genders, races, classes and nationalities. There isn’t total equality in how the virus impacts us, but no identity group is being spared its influence. Locally, nationally and internationally, we must unite in our humanity and...
United in grief

United in grief

Covid grief has gripped millions of people across the world. It does not discriminate. From the inner cities to remote regions of our nations, there is scarcely a family or a group that has not been affected. Grief is universal. Whatever else divides us we are united...
The West needs a revitalised Church to survive

The West needs a revitalised Church to survive

Recently, over 50% of the surveyed British people said that they don’t belong to any religion. Yet many Christians seem to think that it is adequate for the West to have a cultural and political heritage which is based on Christianity. But as Greg Sheridan...
Empowered in God’s presence

Empowered in God’s presence

GOD CHOOSES WHICH GIFTS TO GIVE TO EACH BELIEVER. WE JUST NEED TO CULTIVATE A DESIRE TO BE USED BY HIM, AND A READINESS AND WILLINGNESS TO BUILD UP OTHER PEOPLE. Some believers appear to suggest that spiritual performance is central to the Holy Spirit?s work today....


Colin is always on the move, so keep up to date, interact with him and pray for him.