Today, society is being divided into ever-increasing numbers of identity groups. This is part of a greater political agenda to sow seeds of discord and discontent in order to impose politically-correct agendas on us all.
In the midst of this confusion and chaos a dynamic and counter-cultural movement is on the rise. This is a movement of Christian communities committed to a more transcendent vision. That is the vision of Christ and his Kingdom. This is the only approach to church that can withstand these pressures coming from contemporary society.
Thankfully, more and more Christians are returning to the original vision of what church is all about. And that is sincere followers of Jesus from the whole of society gathering in true community where the focus is on a genuine relationship with God and one another.
Church is not about top-down, tightly-controlled structures which tend toward authoritarianism. It is about Spirit-filled people serving one another and their neighbours in the wider community.
Many traditional churches still follow a broken model of ministry that is:
- Platform-led
- Personality-driven
- Performance-oriented
- Programme-based
But more and more believers today are rejecting the superficial in favour of the genuinely-spiritual, the heart of Christian life and fellowship. They see themselves not just as pew-fodder but as an active community of spiritually-connected members of Christ’s body where he is the only attraction.
Together in true Christian community, they take responsibility to build one another up and to represent Christ to the world. They do not idolise human leaders or human church structures but focus on their role as salt and light in society. They follow church leaders who draw attention away from themselves toward Christ and his mission in the world.
Churches and denominations are being shaken today. This is a fresh opportunity for us all to build our lives and our churches on the vision of Christ. We are under pressure from society to conform to the patterns of the world. Therefore, we must focus on Jesus, not on those who try to take his place. We are called to follow the Holy Spirit, not the fleshly impositions of human beings.
It is time for us all to seriously engage with what it truly means to be and to do church in the world of today.