In April 2020 Amanda and I visited the Love in Action refugee project in Amman Jordan. There we met up with Jamal Hashweh.
Jamal is from a refugee family himself. He knows what it is to have to leave his country, his home and come to a foreign place to start all over again. He explains, “When we visit refugees in their scant accommodation, we tell them we’ve been through it. We understand.â€
In the last 30 years 2 to 3 million refugees have flooded into Jordan from Iraq, Syria and other neighbouring countries. Around 1 million remain to this day. They have left everything and now have nothing. They receive very little official help. Voluntary agencies such as Love in Action do what they can to assist.
The centre supplies regular food parcels for families who have little or no food. There are classes to teach language skills and offer other vocational training to help re-establish dignity and step towards self-sufficiency.
Jamal continues, “As we show them love in action, not only by words but by caring for them, praying for them, visiting them in their homes. We try to help as much as possible.â€
The Love in Action Centre is open to all, both those from Christian and Muslim backgrounds as well as those who have no religion.
The center is in a neigbourhood of Amman where thousands of refugee families are housed. Most of them are in desperate need for essentials. Jamal is grateful for the provision of the refugee centre, “The Lord gave us this place, a kind of shelter, where people can come and enjoy a time of peace, get some trauma counselling and get some spiritual message. Also to learn some skills that will enable them to become self-sustaining.â€
Jamal envisions having many more centres built on the model of showing Jesus’ love in action.
Concluding Jamal says, “Thank you for praying for us. Thank you for all you can do with us. This ministry is for Him, for his glory.â€
Please do what you can to support this worthy cause.
Global Hope in Action
Charity No: 1148384
Account: 6558175500
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Please state that your gift is, ‘FOR JORDAN’