The perfection of God?s Word is not just that it is God?s infallible and totally pure Word. The divine qualities of the Scriptures are also seen in what they do for us. God?s Word converts the soul by instructing us and making us ready for the full transformation of God.

The Word of God is sweeter than honey
God?s Word also brings joy as we live in purity and enlightenment. The Word cleanses us and warns us of dangers while enabling us to stand the tests of time. There are great rewards to be gained by walking according to God?s Word. No wonder the Psalmist says God?s words are sweeter than honey and more to be desired than gold.
Key Thought
God?s Word is something precious, something to be deeply desired. But you can only be aware of that once you see the benefits that come to you through the Word of God and put these things to the test by learning to love God?s Word and obey it from the heart.
Dear Lord, teach me to love your Word. Help me to draw from it all the benefits you have for me. Help me to desire it more than the sweetness of honey and to esteem it more than the value of gold.
Discipleship Steps
The proper attitude for disciples of Jesus Christ is to carry the fear of the Lord in our hearts. This is the secret of a transformed life. But the fear of the Lord can only be communicated through a loving respect for God?s Word. As you read the Bible day by day, learn to be sensitive to the character of the God who wrote it. Be ready for him to reveal himself to you so that you can see him in all his glory. That way you will not only fear him but also love him for who he really is.