Dear friends,Please?could you pray?for four cases that are going before the European Court of Human Rights today?
Four British Christians who claim they were sacked because of their religious beliefs will attempt to prove they have been discriminated against because of their faith at Europe’s highest court on Tuesday, in a landmark case.
They include two women who claim they were asked to remove necklaces with crosses on them at work, a relationship counsellor who refused to counsel gay couples, and a registrar who would not conduct same-sex civil partnerships.
The European Court of Human Rights will investigate whether there has been a breach of Article Nine of the European Convention of Human Rights, their right to freedom of religion.

A close-up of the necklace worn by British Airways employee Nadia Eweida, 58, outside the Royal Courts of Justice in central London, where she is appealing against a ruling which cleared British Airways of discriminating against her by asking her to stop wearing a cross at work.
(I have copied below the Newsletter of “Christian Concern”)
They have huge significance for the freedom of normal Christians like you and I to be able to manifest Christian faith and live in line with Biblical teaching.
The Christian Legal Centre is supporting two of the cases (those of Shirley Chaplin and Gary McFarlane).
We firmly believe that when we pray, God acts. Please bring these cases before the Lord in prayer:
- Pray for wisdom for the judges
- Pray for the protection of the four Christians involved (Shirley Chaplin, Gary McFarlane, Lillian Ladele and Nadia Eweida)
- Pray for God?s favour in the outcome
Go to?this page?for more details on the cases.On Tuesday 4th September, the European Court of Human Rights will hear four landmark cases from the UK, the outcome of which will have implications for freedom of thought, conscience and religion across Europe.
At issue is the freedom of Christians to express their faith publicly and to live in line with historic, mainstream, biblical Christian teaching.
The Christian Legal Centre (sister-organisation of Christian Concern) is directly supporting Shirley Chaplin and Gary McFarlane, whose cases will be heard alongside those of Lillian Ladele and Nadia Eweida.?For an introduction to the issues, please download the summary documents below. Official documents relating to the cases are also available below.
Introduction to the Issues
Briefing Document: Shirley Chaplin & the Wearing of the Cross >
Briefing Document: Gary McFarlane & the Clash of Rights >
Latest Submissions to the Court
Final submission to the European Court of Human Rights by Mr McFarlane (14/08/12)
The Government’s Official Position
HM Government’s Submission to the European Court of Human Rights – Chaplin & Eweida (14/10/11)?
HM Government’s Submission to the European Court of Human Rights – McFarlane & Ladele (14/10/11)?
The Case of Shirley Chaplin – Official Case Documents
Main document summarising Mrs Chaplin’s complaint to the European Court of Human Rights (08/12/10)
Submission by Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali to the European Court in support of Mrs Chaplin (20/07/11)
HM Government’s submission in the cases of Chaplin & Eweida (14/10/11)?
Mrs Chaplin’s reply to the Government’s submission
Final submission to the European Court of Human Rights by Mrs Chaplin (14/08/12)
The Case of Gary McFarlane – Official Case Documents
Main document summarising Mr McFarlane’s complaint to the European Court of Human Rigts (29/10/10)
Submission by Lord Carey of Clifton to the European Court in support of Mr McFarlane
HM Government’s submission inf the cases of McFarlane & Ladele (14/10/11)
Final submission to the European Court of Human Rights by Mr McFarlane (14/08/12)