Because we have been made right with God through faith in Christ we also have peace with God. No-one can rob us of this or ever take it away. This is our birthright as people of God. But in order to live in this peace we must keep our mind focused on the truth of God?s Word and upon the truth about God Himself.

Don?t ever shift your focus from His goodness, His power and His love. That way you will discover a supernatural peace in all circumstances.
He is the God of our salvation and as we walk in His ways we find a supernatural peace taking hold of our minds and hearts. Keeping focused on the Lord, and His power and goodness, gives us all the peace we will ever need. His strength is everlasting and He will never fail us.
Key Thought
In order to keep your mind from being attacked by the things that work against your peace of heart you must remain focused on the LORD. Don?t ever shift your focus from His goodness, His power and His love. That way you will discover a supernatural peace in all circumstances.
Lord, I set the focus of my mind upon you. Thank you for who you are and what you have done for me. I trust in your everlasting strength, for today and for all the days to come.
Discipleship Steps
To keep your mind ?stayed upon the LORD? is a learned discipline. The battle for peace is won or lost in your mind. As you learn deliberately to focus on God?s loving care and protection for you, so you will cultivate an attitude of peace in your heart. And this, in turn, will begin to govern your choices and actions in life. Anxiety is no basis for decision-making. Rather, let the peace of God guide you and direct you in all things.