At the foot of the cross we find forgiveness
We are studying the seven arks of revival that a unbeliever should look for in their life. Last month we looked at the first of these: the renewal of the Holy Spirit.
The second mark is this: you will be convicted of sin. Let me make one thing clear straightaway – we are talking about conviction, not condemnation. The Bible says that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8: 1). But we also know that, once we are born again, the problem of sin has not disappeared. We have hope for something better – for a life of victory. Condemnation kills hope, but conviction opens us up to God’s cleansing.
Many Christians have never really been truly, deeply convicted of their sin – even at their conversion. They may have accepted in their minds that sin must be dealt with, but they lose sight of how serious it is, Sin violates our relationship with God. It destroys our experience of God’s goodness. It insults the grace of God that is freely given to us. Paul said that just because his conscience was clear did not mean that he was innocent (1 Corinthians 4:4)! In other words, there can be sin in our lives of which we are not even aware. Revival exposes these hidden areas, not to create guilt, but to set us free.
Time to be washed
Others downplay the seriousness of sin for Christians. They rightly emphasise God’s grace, but to the point where no motivation is left to live in holiness. Jesus addressed this when he washed his disciples’ feet. When Peter asked for his whole body to be washed, Jesus told him that “anyone who has had a bath, needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean” (John 13: 10).
Others downplay the seriousness of sin for Christians. They rightly emphasise God’s grace, but to the point where no motivation is left to live in holiness. Jesus addressed this when he washed his disciples’ feet. When Peter asked for his whole body to be washed, Jesus told him that “anyone who has had a bath, needs only to wash his feet; his whole body is clean” (John 13: 10).
Conviction does not drive us down, but lifts us up. Revival brings a consciousness of sin. This is not human feelings of guilt, but an awareness of God’s holiness that causes us not to want to sin in the first place. Jesus’ burden is light. Many of you are carrying burdens that are caused by sin. You are weighed down – needlessly. But as we turn to him, asking for forgiveness, he cleanses us. Let the fire of revival burn through your life today, destroying guilt and the power of sin.
Once we are saved, our relationship with God is on a totally different?footing. We now live under the blood of Jesus. Through the blood,?God becomes our Father, and no longer deals with us according to?the principle of the law.?As a loving, heavenly Father, he?draws us closer and closer to his heart, and leads us out of the works?of darkness so that we can enjoy fellowship with him in the light.?In other words, we were cleansed once for all at the cross and the?blood of Jesus keeps on cleansing us as we walk in the light with?him. When we sin, we bring it to the light, with full assurance that the?blood is cleansing us and removing any hindrance to our fellowship?with God. We own our sin in his holy presence only to disown it in?the light of his grace and forgiveness. We never allow guilt or sin-consciousness?to have a resting place in our hearts. We maintain a?clear conscience before God by walking in the light of his love. This is?true repentance ? we reject our sin and embrace who we are in Christ.