Knowing and enjoying God
Jesus lived only for the glory of Abba, God the Father. This was the whole motivation of his life. That’s why he came, that’s why he lived and that’s why he died. We learn from Jesus’ example to live for God’s glory by worshipping him in spirit and truth as we experience his eternal life.
This life brings the deep joy and fullness God created us to know. Some Bible teachers once put it like this. They asked the question, ‘What is our chief purpose in life?’ And they gave the following answer. The ultimate purpose of our lives is to ‘know God and to enjoy him forever.’
The word ‘worship’ means to acknowledge the worth of someone or something. We can appreciate many good things in life – our friends and family or the gifts and talents we have ourselves or in others. But, these things are the precious and gracious gifts of God, ‘who gives us all things richly to enjoy’ (1 Timothy 6:17).
In worship, we recognise God for who he is. We see his real worth, which is associated with his glory, the ‘weight’ of his value, and the reality of his presence. When we recognise God for who he is and give him glory, we connect with him as the living, loving, giving and forgiving God – the creator, sustainer, lord, ruler and righteous judge of all things.
God is not looking for worship on its own, but he is seeking worshippers – those who worship him in spirit and truth. It is all about having a deep and meaningful relationship with God. It is about getting to know him and enjoying him for who he is. Once we do this we find his goodness manifesting in every part of our lives.
God bless you as you worship and serve God with us this month.