God?s love is the beginning and end of all things. God is love, and to walk with Him means to walk in love. This love is practical and powerful and not something merely sentimental. It is measured by the cross where God showed us the true nature of love in the...
It is time to dedicate our lives afresh to the Lord and experience personal revival. It is my conviction that personal revival preceeds corporate revival. More than twenty years ago, God showed me that revival is coming to Britain. It is not going to be automatic...
In today’s teaching, let’s take time to focus on the Kingship of Jesus Christ. The Kings David, Saul and Solomon were all gifted and enabled by the Holy Spirit to supernaturally rule God’s people. Jesus, the eternal King, did not manifest his kingdom...
The Holy Spirit is a Person, like Jesus and the Father. Jesus promised to send us the Holy Spirit after his death and resurrection. ?I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Helper, that he may abide with you forever.John 14:16 Jesus fulfilled his promise...
People outside the Christian Faith are offended at the concept of Jesus as the Son of God. The well-researched article below will help you to defend the Truth of the deity of Christ,?whenever your faith is challenged. Take the Muslims, for example. They?believe that...