Facing the Storms of Life

We rejoice in the good things God provides, but we do not measure his love or respond to it according to the earthly pleasures he gives or withholds from us. I have recently been prompted by the Holy Spirit to speak out about the “perfect storm” that is...

A Healthy Temple for the Spirit

Let me ask you a question: How does exercise, eating, resting and mental exercise fit into your week??Here are four simple spiritual principles of health that we need to apply to our lives. They are principles, not rules and regulations. As Christians every aspect of...

Parental Blessing

Our God is a God of absolute authority. He rules supreme. He’s the Creator, the Most High, the only Lord in heaven and on earth: there’s simply no other besides Him. Because God has made humankind in His image, aspects of His authority run through...

Sexual freedom or sexual bondage?

To some, ?freedom from sexual bondage? might seem a strange combination of words. Most people in our post-modern society are crying freedom from rules and regulations. Surely freedom means that you can do what you want, doesn?t it? Such people would no doubt regard...

Power for living: receiving the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is a Person, like Jesus and the Father. Jesus promised to send us the Holy Spirit after his death and resurrection. ?I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Helper, that he may abide with you forever.John 14:16 Jesus fulfilled his promise...


Colin is always on the move, so keep up to date, interact with him and pray for him.