Total pardon and a changed heart

Jesus pronounced over this adulterous woman a total pardon for her entire life of sin. His words were beautiful music to her ears producing deep relief and unbridled joy in her heart. The burden of a lifetime of sin rolled off her back. Now she was ready for the...

Your time will come!

Lamentations 3:24 – “The LORD is my portion,? says my soul, therefore I hope in Him!? My friends, the Lord is YOUR portion, so hope in the Lord, and your time will come!

Bearing fruit by the grace of God

The more you understand God’s grace, the more you will enjoy it and experience it. Faith is not something hard to attain. It is be the effortless response of a heart saturated by God’s grace and goodness. You begin to see the invisible and do the...

How to listen to God?

He listens to us and we listen to him; he speaks to us and we speak to him; he gives himself to us and we give ourselves to him. If we do not keep on listening to God, we may be able to know the triune God propositionally, but we will never know the Father, the Son...

Learning to be an encourager

Jesus, who is the true source of eternal life provides all that we need to develop the ministry of encouragement. In John Chapter Seventeen, he describes himself as the True Vine, giving life and fruit to the branches which represent our lives. We are connected to him...

The Ministry of Encouragement

Of all the ministries God has given us encouragement is closest to his heart. God is the great encourager. He gives hope to the dispirited, healing to the broken-hearted and joy to those who mourn. Encouraging one another is one of the most godly things we can ever...


Colin is always on the move, so keep up to date, interact with him and pray for him.