After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice that I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, ‘Come up here and I will show you things that must take place after this’. Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne set in heaven and One sat on the throne.” Revelation 4:1-2
In the last few years, God has blessed our network with some remarkable visitations. We’ve had seasons of Holy laughter, Oil on hands and many revival healings. Yet, as wonderful as these times were, today God wants to lift us into a higher realm – a realm where we will see the throne and the One who sits on it.
He wants the glimpses we have had of His glory to become habitual times in His presence. And so He is stirring up a holy dissatisfaction in His people. He is calling us to new levels – of fellowship and communion, worship and intimacy, wisdom and revelation power. This will bring us to even higher realms of divine disclosure.
Stir up the promises

A door opened in Heaven
What are the things God has spoken to you in the past? What are the promises He made to you when you met Him in prayer? Remember the seasons when you were so anointed that you preached the gospel to your friends and saw them come to Christ? Now is the time to go through your notebooks and remind yourself of these things! Begin to lay hold of everything He has ever spoken to you. It’s only when you learn to maintain what you attain that He will bring you into new things.
Remember Peter in the boat with the other disciples? He is on familiar territory and he’s bored with the ordinary. Then a holy dissatisfaction rises up on the inside of him. And, almost in answer to this holy dissatisfaction, along comes Jesus – walking on the water! What does this do? It forces Peter to sit up and take notice.
Can you see that Jesus did not perform this miracle simply to prove His deity? The key to understanding God’s motivation behind all signs and wonders is found in Mark 6:52, ”They had not understood about the loaves. Just before the disciples saw Jesus walk on water, the feeding of the five thousand had taken place. And they hadn’t understood that this miracle was not just about the provision of bread.
Your Supernatural Calling
Jesus had blessed the bread – but the miracle of increase took place in the hands of the disciples! Jesus was saying to them, ”I have called you to preach the gospel to the poor. This is your calling”. But because they had not understood, Jesus decided to confront them with a level of the supernatural that they couldn’t ignore. He decided to scare heaven into them by walking on the water! He wanted them to know that there is only one way to reach a dead and dying world and that’s through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit.
So what does Peter do in response? He rises to the challenge and says to Jesus, “Lord if it is You, command me come to You on the water”.
In this simple statement he gives us three keys to the miraculous. Firstly, he says, “Lord if it is You”. I predict that in this season of Holy Spirit visitation, the greatest miracles will be done not by the leadership but by all God’s people. Therefore each of us must ask Him what He’s calling us to do in this miracle hour.
Secondly, he says, “Command me.” Peter is offering Jesus his obedience. In matters of the miraculous, obedience is as important as faith. If we are not working in obedience to Him, God is limited in what He can do through us. Thirdly, Peter says, “Command me to come to you”. In other words,” I want to be with you Lord.”
Experience His passion and power
Being with Jesus should be the overriding motive for all that we do. The glory and beauty of the miraculous is that we find Jesus there and experience His power and His compassion.
God wants to restore the supernatural to the church in Britain and Europe. The door open in heaven is for us to see the One who sits on the throne and desire to be with Him. As the Holy Spirit calls us into higher fellowship, we realise that Jesus is the glorious point of it all. Be bold! Go through the open door to be with Jesus, as Peter did, and see the miracles go with you.