Zerubbabel was called to be the governor of the restored nation of God in the land of Israel.

Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit says the Lord
Following 70 years of exile in Babylon, the Jews returned to rebuild the Temple and the walls of Jerusalem. But opposition from the enemies of the restoration, unwillingness among the people and lack of finance all led to discouragement and a temporary end to the building programme. But the Word of the LORD came to Zechariah the prophet to encourage the whole nation with the reminder that God was with them, and in particular, Zerubbabel. God?s work is not about human ability but God?s power.
Key Thought
Your human ability is not sufficient to do the will or to work the work of God. It is not about what you can do, but what he alone can do. The Holy Spirit, not human strength, wisdom or ability is the key to success in life and living. Trust in the limitless power and grace of God at work in you.
Lord, please forgive me for rushing ahead and trying to do your will in my own strength. Thank you for the encouragement of your word. I now put my trust fully in your strength and enabling within me.
Discipleship Steps
God will finish the work he started in you and you will see his grace do it. Turn away from discouragement and pick up again the ?unfinished business? you have set your heart to do. But, know that it is a work of God?s grace. Make room for God to do what he alone can do. Learn to trust his power and not your strength as you receive God?s enabling to complete the task he has called you to with joy. Let no mountain of obstacle get in the way of God?s will for your life.
I thank God for your life you have really elevated my spirit and faith in God.thanks a lot but pray for me to be able to accomplish the purpose I was created on earth.thanks again