I want to leave with you seven steps you can follow in order to break the power of ungodly soul ties and begin to walk in freedom:

Be free from soul ties today!
1. Confess the sinful contact you have had, whether it is emotional or actually involved the sexual act. The first question to ask yourself is, ?Do I want to be free from this?? If the answer is yes, then you must begin to do business with God.
2. Renounce the ungodly relationship, naming the person or the situation. Since sin is specific, repentance must be too. Identifying the person or situation before God ensures that you are on the same wavelength.
3. Forsake the ungodly relationship utterly before God, from your heart. Repentance is a change of heart and must be sincere and honest before God.
4. Forgive everyone who has offended or used and abused you in the past. Identify each person and then release forgiveness to that individual.
5. Break all contact with the person [in the case of former sexual partners], including disposing of any tokens, keepsakes, gifts, photos, or anything belonging to that individual/relationship. Get rid of them, because as long as you are holding on to them, you are holding on to that relationship and the memory of that person.
6. Receive prayer for deliverance from your church elders or ministry team. Soul ties need prayer for deliverance in a similar way to demonic bondages.
7. Turn your heart to God for all your needs. Once your sin has been dealt with and the bondage of the past broken, resolve in your heart never to revisit it, and depend on God for the strength and grace to go forward.
If these seven steps are followed faithfully, then they will result in freedom from soul ties and the ability to move forward in God unhindered by the past.