My name is Colin Dye and I am a spiritual trainer and equipper. I have been a Christian leader and inspirational speaker for 50 years. I have travelled to 44 different countries as a teacher, trainer and equipper in large events and small. More than titles or positions, I like to think of myself as a fellow traveller on the journey of life.

For 31 years I was the Senior Leader of Kensington Temple, London City Church, the largest church in the Elim denomination. During that time I also developed an international apostolic and prophetic teaching ministry.
I’ve written over 40 books – translated into 10 different languages – all of them with the purpose of training and equipping others to be effective in Christian life and ministry.

I have put all this experience into my new online training platform – delivered through my unique SERVE AND EQUIP EXPANDING INFLUENCE MODELTM
My goal is to EQUIP you… to EQUIP others… to go and do the SAME
What you will learn
Now, you probably want to learn not just for yourself but to know how to pass that on to others. Still more, you probably don’t just want to benefit yourself, but you also have a vision to impact and to resource those around you. In other words, you want to be equipped to equip others to go and do the same.
Certainly, you will want to learn in such a way as that knowledge is available to you, whenever you need it – first for your own life, but also for others. You want to know what to say to those who ask you – How do I handle suffering in my life? Does God hear my prayers? What’s the secret of effective prayer? How can I live a life of joy and gratitude in the midst of my struggles? Or, Why did Jesus have to die? What about the Trinity, how can God be both One and Three? Not insignificant questions – our society, our world needs to see the light of the knowledge of the glory of God, in the face of Jesus Christ.
My job is to equip you to be ready to answer these questions and many more!
For more information
To find out more register below:
Don’t forget to watch my life story Documentary