God created the heavens and the earth by the Word of his power. He spoke life and light into being through His creative Word. He said ‘Let there be’, and it happened as he spoke. Today, by exactly the same power, God keeps on sustaining all things, and accomplishing his eternal will of salvation.
I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure’. Isaiah 46:9-10
First, the Father purposes his will. Then, the Word declares it – speaking out the Father’s purpose. Finally, the Spirit performs the Father’s will by working out every detail of his plan.
I’m sure you know that the day is coming when everyone will acknowledge God’s Word. Soon, every knee will bow, and every tongue confess the glorious name of our God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
At that time, the effective operation of God’s Word will be plain for all to see. But, for now, we are called to live by faith. We have the privilege of working with God as he fulfils his Word on earth.

Every Word from God you truly receive in your heart soon begins to reveal itself in your thoughts, your deeds and your words. The link between what you believe in your heart and what you say with your mouth is called ‘confession’.
If your heart carries the conviction of faith, what you say will match this inner conviction. This vital principle applies to every promise of God. It’s a basic divine principle.
In my E-book ‘God’s Word in My Mouth’, you learn that God’s Word is powerful as you faithfully declare it. I have built over 20 biblical declarations covering every part of your life.
First, I give you a short description of a promise of God.
Then, I provide you with several scriptural verses about that specific promise.
Finally, I suggest a faith declaration for you to make out loud as you boldly proclaim God’s Word over your situation.

Check out below the topics covered in the book:
- New Creation
- Forgiveness
- Assurance
- Freedom
- The Lordship of Jesus
- The Blood
- The Word
- Blessing
- Thanksgiving
- Healing
- Abundance
- Power
- Victory
- Protection
- Praise
- My Family
- Filled with the Spirit
- Spiritually-minded
- Spiritually-gifted
- My Mission