The devil is at war with God for the souls of men and women and the whole human race. But God has destroyed his plans once and for all. He sent his Son into the world to be born as human being, meeting the devil on our territory ? human nature.

Now that our sin has been taken away and the fearful judgment of death removed, the devil has lost his grip forever!
This means Jesus was able to confront the devil, and through his death surrender to the Father?s will to die on the cross and defeat Satan forever. Jesus? death destroyed the devil and ?rendered him inoperative.? He no longer has any power over us. Now that our sin has been taken away and the fearful judgment of death removed, the devil has lost his grip forever!
?Thank you, Lord, for overthrowing the devil and destroying his hold on me. You tasted death for me and for every person and have released me from the fear of death and condemnation.?
Jesus became man in order to pitch the battle for humanity on the same ground it was lost ? human nature. His death atoned for our sin and delivered us from the condemnation and eternal death we were due to receive. The devil now is defeated and totally inoperative in this area.
You have been delivered from the fear of death and condemnation. You can now serve God freely from the heart. Neither love nor faith can operate out of fear because perfect love casts out fear and faith works through love. This means you can serve God acceptably and walk in love before him. This is the real motivation of those who are united with Jesus Christ and are following the example he set on this earth. Plant your feet in his footsteps today.
Read Hebrews 2:10-14