You have been so completely saved, renewed and transformed that your old life is dead, gone forever! And you are so completely identified with Christ that he now is your very life.

You have been so completely saved, renewed and transformed that your old life is dead, gone forever! And you are so completely identified with Christ that he now is your very life.
You are hidden together with him in heaven with God. This is where everything that is truly to do with you takes place. It?s this heavenly reality that determines everything about you and gives you the resolve and the courage to follow Christ, despite the pull of earthly pressures and the old ways of thinking and living that belong to your former life without God.
?Lord, my new life is what counts. I am no longer what I once was and I thank you for that. Please help me see clearly my new identity and the complete transformation you have worked in me.?
Your new identity is totally identified with Christ, who he is and where he is. You share this heavenly perspective with him and it gives you the determination to deal with the earthly desires which
would otherwise kill your passion for Christ and lead you astray.
Setting your hope fully on what God has done for you in Christ means you will be totally satisfied with living your life from a heavenly perspective. That will also give you the encouragement you need to press on in your struggle against sin and the things in your life and circumstances that don?t seem to line up with your heavenly position.But the greatest encouragement of all is not how much you think you have achieved for Christ, but all that it already yours through him.
Read Colossians 3:1-5