Read Ephesians 2:1-7. Being included in Christ through faith means that we are one with him. His history becomes our history and his position is our position also. We were dead in our transgressions and sins, but now we have been made alive in Christ and have been made to sit together with him in heavenly places.

Your true place is in the heavenlies, seated with Christ on the throne of the universe. This is faith position which will become a practical and visible reality in the future kingdom of God. Right now you are in training for reigning!
This also means that we will enjoy a glorious future with Christ ruling and reigning with him for all eternity. Our present position is by faith and is a spiritual reality. But when Christ returns this will become a manifest reality for all the world to see. It all begins when we see ourselves seated on the throne with Christ.
?Lord, I take up my true place in the heavenlies and choose to look at my life from your heavenly perspective. Help me prepare for my work of serving you now and forever in the life to come.?
Your true place is in the heavenlies, seated with Christ on the throne of the universe. This is faith position which will become a practical and visible reality in the future kingdom of God. Right now you are in training for reigning!
There can be no greater contrast between what we were before we came to Christ and where we are now. Far from being dead in sins, controlled by Satan and heading for hell, we are now seated with Christ on the executive throne of the universe. Not only are we destined for heaven, we are actually positioned there now, in Christ. The revelation of this will change your life ? how you live, look at your circumstances and orientate your life.