At Christmas time we celebrate one of the most central and most amazing truths of our Christian faith. The Incarnation is, after all, utterly unique. God, in the Person of His Son came down to be born as a man and to become our Redeemer. There is nothing that even begins to compare with this in any other religious belief, philosophy or ideology.

May God bless you this Christmas time as you celebrate His joy and Love as well as the utter uniqueness of your faith as a Christian. Colin Dye
Through the Incarnation we begin understand that God is one and yet more than one. He is three-in-one and these three Persons (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) all co-operate in perfect harmony. The whole Trinity is totally involved in the incarnation. The Father sent the Son, the Son came and the Holy Spirit brought it all about in the womb of the virgin girl, Mary.
These things have baffled the scientists, philosophers and theologians over all the ages. But every true person of faith learns to wonder and marvel at the mystery of it. And, more than that, we learn to open up to all the goodness and grace God pours into our lives through Christ.
The Incarnation shows us many practical things about our Christian faith. It shows us that God is concerned about community. He carries community in His very being. This means the very essence of our faith is not merely personal. It is communal. Let’s make a real effort to express community by reaching out to others in the festive season.
Also, the Incarnation helps us see that God is very concerned about the world He created. He did not abandon us to our sin. Instead, He drew so close that He became one of us and, apart from sin, lived exactly the kind of life we all live. God is not ashamed of the physical world. He is deeply involved in it and cares about every single detail of it – including you.
Finally, the Incarnation shows us the plan God has for our lives. Jesus didn’t shed His humanity when He went back to heaven. He lived and died as a man and was raised again into full humanity and He took this glorified humanity back to heaven where He lives today.
This means that God has a plan for you to follow Jesus and find in Him the hope of eternal salvation and the redemption of your entire personality – spirit, soul and body.
May God bless you this Christmas time as you celebrate His joy and Love as well as the utter uniqueness of your faith as a Christian.