Angus T. Jones of “Two and Half Men” fame converted to Christianity and denounced and criticized his past life and activities, including his role on the famous TV show. Throughout his two videotaped testimonies in October, he chronicled his journey to Christ and decried the worldly influence of entertainment.

Angus T. Jones of ‘Two and a Half Men’ Finds Christ and criticizes Show (VIDEO)
Jones, born in Austin Texas, began the 30-minute testimony? two 15-minute videos with a man from the religious Forerunner Chronicles website? with his ascent from a 4-and-a-half-year-old child actor to stardom. At the age of 9, he was offered a job on “Two and a Half Men,” which inducted him into the world of showbiz, and by high school, he was using drugs like marijuana and acid.
“I was living for myself” and “being a stereotypical celebrity,” the 19-year-old actor said.
However, an incident in December of 2011 would change his life. During a conversation with a friend, he realized that “God is the reason for all this.”
“I feel like I just accepted God in my life,” said Jones. After searching for churches, he settled on a Seventh Day Adventist congregation, but conflicts with his lifestyle soon arose. His portrayal of Jake Harper on “Two and a Half Men,” along with the show’s less-than-Christian content, took a toll on him spiritually. He even advised people to stop watching the show.
“If you watch ‘Two and a Half Men,’ please stop watching ‘Two and a Half Men,'” he said around the 7:45 mark of the second half of the testimony. “I’m on ‘Two and a Half Men,’ and I don’t want to be on it. Please stop watching it, please stop filling your head with filth.”
“Angus T. Jones‘ shocking remarks, in which he denounces Two and a Half Men as “filth,” has people close to him deeply concerned about his well-being.
A source close to the situation tells E! News that both Jones’ mom, Carey, and those who work with him on his CBS sitcom want to make sure the 19-year-old actor hasn’t been “brainwashed” by his new church.”
“For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”1 Corinthians 1:18
Watch a video of his testimony below:
Read my teaching on the new birth here, and what it means to be born again.