God?s gift of forgiveness must be the best news in the Bible! It meets your most basic need as a sinner and establishes your relationship with God forever.

God?s gift of forgiveness must be the best news in the Bible! It meets your most basic need as a sinner and establishes your relationship with God forever.
Without forgiveness, you could never have any lasting joy, or peace, or hope. With forgiveness, however, you can say goodbye to all your guilt and shame and fear.
Because God is the eternal Creator, He?s the holy and righteous judge of the whole earth. As the moral ruler of all humanity, He must ensure that all sin is justly punished. This means that everyone should be condemned to eternal abandonment.
Nobody has any hope of standing before God in their own goodness, because no one can perfectly fulfil God?s righteous standards.
God, however, longs to re-establish the loving relationship with His creation that He enjoyed before the Fall. He aches to forgive the sins of the world, and so to be reconciled with humanity. But how can a righteous God do this?
He cannot ignore our sin, because this would make him unjust. But if He judged our sin justly, we would all be separated from Him forever.
The good news of God?s gracious and merciful forgiveness is that He?s found a solution! He has reached into His own loving nature and found a way of being both the righteous Judge of the universe and the Saviour of the world.
The solution is the cross. The Father sent His only Son into His fallen world to live a perfect life and to die a sinner?s death.
When Jesus died on the cross, God death with all the sin of the whole world. This means that you?re no longer condemned by God because of your sin.
My friend, this is the wonderful gift of forgiveness that you received when you believed in Jesus. Praise Him for it!
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