Jesus Christ is seated in the highest place of honour and authority in the universe. That position has been given to him by God, the Father, who raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand making him Lord over all.

Jesus Christ is seated in the highest place of honour and authority in the universe.
Jesus Christ is now infinitely exalted over every principality, power, might and dominion, both in this world and in the next. And the Church has a share in this same authority. Being part of his body means we, who are included in Christ by faith, have him as our glorious and triumphant head. And this also means that we enjoy exactly that same spiritual position before God as Jesus does.
Key Thought
Your union with Christ through faith means that his position becomes your position also. Knowing this is the key not only to submitting to him as your head, but learning how to administrate his authority and triumphant victory over the principalities and powers in this age.
Lord, thank you for your triumphant victory over the principalities and the powers, and for the authority of your name which is higher than any other. I go out today in your strength and victory.
Discipleship Steps
There is no other way of you rising to your potential in Christ without understanding your position in him. You are joined with Christ by faith and are part of the body of Christ under whose feet God has placed every principality, power and force of evil. When you adopt this ?victory mentality? you find a new confidence to place your feet in the footsteps of Jesus, and follow him to the cross where you can exchange his life for yours and see it reproduced in you.