The gospel is a message of power and not just a moral call or an intellectual idea. The difference between Christianity and every other religion is this: God?s power is at work in our lives through Christ.

The gospel is not a mere philosophy or ideology or even a religious message. It is the Power of God…switch it on!
As we receive Christ into our lives he plants his ability on the inside of us. The Holy Spirit lives within us so that our new spiritual nature is capable of loving God and serving him. This is good news indeed. Salvation is God?s enabling for us to be in right relationship with him and, more than that, it is his nature implanted in us so that Christ?s character is powerfully reproduced in us by faith.
Key Thought
The gospel is not a mere philosophy, or ideology, or even a religious message. It is the power of God, delivering a person from condemnation and sanctifying that person on their journey to heaven. This power prepares you for life and living on earth as well as guaranteeing your eternal destiny.
Lord, I thank you for the power of Christ and his gospel at work in me. I thank you for rescuing me through your power so that I can live for you on the earth and enjoy you forever in heaven.
Discipleship Steps
The central discipleship message of the Word of God is that we are being saved through the power of God and not by our works or our own human effort. This means that there is a power at work in our lives that is carrying us onward, towards our high call of God in Christ. Today, in your struggle against sin and the things that could discourage you or pull you down, remember, it?s not you but Christ in you that really counts.
Read: Romans 1:8-17