The Holy Spirit comes upon our lives for a purpose. He is given by Jesus to us believers for the world. The baptism of the Spirit is not for our own personal enjoyment or blessing alone. There is a responsibility that we receive along with the gift of the Spirit.

Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, has promised to enable you and to give you the supernatural ability to produce the proof that he is alive.
Jesus highlights this when he says that we shall receive power, or enablement, when the Spirit comes upon us. Specifically, this has to be with being an effective witness to the world or ?proof producer? that Jesus is alive. We have been called, appointed and empowered as official witnesses to Christ through the enabling of the Holy Spirit.
Key Thought
Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, has promised to enable you and to give you the supernatural ability to produce the proof that he is alive. This is the true purpose of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. All the divine, supernatural capabilities of the Spirit are at your disposal for this task of witness.
Lord, I receive your divine capability to show the world that you are alive and that you are Lord of all. Fill me afresh today for this exciting task. Let my world see you in me today.
Discipleship Steps
The way the Holy Spirit enables you to produce the proof that Jesus is alive is three-fold. He gives you the ability to share powerful words of truth through speaking the gospel into people?s lives. He shines through your life with his presence as Christ is seen in you. And, the Holy Spirit also gives you supernatural gifts of communication through signs, wonders and miracles. This is true life in the Spirit and God wants you to grow in all these things as a disciple of Christ.